Universal Life

Universal Life Insurance offered by DKB Enterprise provides numerous benefits to policyholders,
making it a popular choice for individuals seeking flexible and long-term coverage. Here are some
key advantages of our Universal Life Insurance:


With Universal Life Insurance, you have the flexibility to adjust your premium payments and death benefit amount to suit your changing needs. You can increase or decrease your coverage as your financial circumstances evolve, ensuring that your policy remains aligned with your goals.

Cash Value Accumulation

Universal Life Insurance includes a cash value component that grows over time. A portion of your premium payments goes towards this cash value, which earns interest at a fixed or variable rate. You can access the cash value during your lifetime through policy loans or withdrawals, providing a source of funds for emergencies or other financial needs

Tax Advantages

The cash value growth in a Universal Life Insurance policy is taxdeferred. It means you do not have to pay taxes on the earnings until you make withdrawals. Additionally, the death benefit is typically received by your beneficiaries’ income tax-free, providing a tax-efficient way to pass on wealth.

Legacy Planning

Universal Life Insurance allows you to create a lasting legacy for your loved ones. By ensuring that your policy remains in force, you can provide a significant death benefit to your beneficiaries, which can be used to cover final expenses, pay off debts, or provide financial security for future generations.

Supplemental Retirement Income

In addition to providing a death benefit, the accumulated cash value in a Universal Life Insurance policy can serve as a supplemental source of income during retirement. You can access the cash value through withdrawals or policy loans, offering a tax-efficient way to supplement your retirement savings.

Creditor Protection

In many cases, the cash value and death benefit of a Universal Life Insurance policy are protected from creditors. This means that even in the face of financial difficulties, your policy remains a valuable asset that can help protect your loved ones’ future financial security.

At DKB Enterprise, we understand the importance of flexibility and long-term planning. Our
Universal Life Insurance policies are designed to provide you with the benefits and features you
need to adapt to life’s changing circumstances while securing a solid financial foundation for
yourself and your family

Frequently asked questions

If you have someone you care about who would suffer without your financial contributions, life insurance is a must. Examples include your spouse, children, disabled family members, aging parents, or anybody else who relies on your income to live comfortably.

There’s no way of knowing precisely how much money your loved ones will require if you pass away. However, there are three simple methods for estimating that amount. Experts advise erring on the side of caution and purchasing a little more life insurance than you think you’ll need.

There are two main types of life insurance: term life insurance and permanent life insurance. Term life insurance pays a cash benefit to your loved ones (also known as beneficiaries) after the insured’s death. The policy’s term refers to how long it will last. Typical terms are ten, twenty, or even thirty years.

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